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WHO THE CAP FITS by Mitchelle Agwu

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

A head boy or girl is tasked with the role of being not only a leader, but an example to follow. A junior student should be able to observe their head students and decide for themselves that these figures possess the qualities they want to emulate. It doesn’t only come down to schoolwork (although academics are important), it comes down to their ability to relate with fellow students, teachers, and work with patience, intelligence, grace, charisma, confidence and quick wit even under pressure. Considering these qualities, I wonder who the next cap will fit in Starville Secondary School.

The current SS2 is replete with students who are attitudinally and academically qualified for the head boy and head girl positions. But the positon must be given to the best student, the student with the right measure of these qualities. To this end, Starline Magazine’s reporter, Mitchelle Agwu went on a search for those whose head the head boy and head girl cap would fit and she came up with: KOLO YETU, OBIAGWU CHIDERA and OHA MICHEAL for head boy: and for head girl: CHISOM ABEL-CHUKWUOCHA, ASURU ESTHER and OFILI OLIVIA.

Why were these students chosen? You might ask.

OFILI OLIVIA was described by her other Year 11 students as mature, intelligent, responsible and calm. Little wonder she was included in this list. She was honored to have been described in this way, and she felt the descriptions of her were accurate, especially regarding her maturity. She said she would add that she is independent, not a natural born leader, but one who would take charge when the need arises. When she was asked if she would win if she runs for the position of head girl, she said, “the norm is for top students, mostly in academics, to be selected for these roles, and I am and have been a top student.” But she added that she wouldn’t run for the role of head girl, mostly because of her academics. She said she had priorities, her grades being high up the list.She saw herself being able to occupy any job requiring responsibility, i.e. climbing her way up from a role like manager to being the CEO of a company in her field (technology). A young lady with such an ambition is most certainly well enabled to handle the role of a head girl. Why not, it would most certainly prepare her for this ambition. Olivia would put herself aside to take up the role of head girl if appointed, even if she was unwilling. The big question is: is her head big enough to fit into the cap? This is a question only the student voters can answer.

OBIAGWU CHIDERAs mates describe him as sound, expressive, mature and confident among other things. He stated that he was not surprised at how he was described. And that he has always tried to sell himself and learn different skills and talents. When asked if he would run for head boy and if he was sure to win he replied, “Not at all, there are others more qualified than me.” Like Olivia, he sees himself rising to the position of a CEO but in the field of mechatronics. What a dream! With a dream like this, why should the position of headboy elude him?He was asked if he would still run if he was unwilling for the role, but selected anyway, he replied that“sometimes responsibility is something that chooses you, not vice versa. He added that, “a leader is someone who first follows before having people to follow him”.So philosophical. With a philosophy like this, one wonders why he thinks there are others more qualified for the role. This smells like inferiority complex. But inferiority is not likely for a young man as philosophical as he is. Chidera, the cap beckons for your head, do not look away.

ESTHER ASURU exudes confidence. She is probably more confident than the other female students. Her mates see her as mature, possessing leadership quality, brilliant among other things. She feels honored by their perception of her, especially against others in her set who would be good for the role. Esther has always wanted this role. She has always marketed herself for this role right from junior school. In other words she is prepared for this role. When asked if assuming the role of head girl was an election, she would run and if she would win, she said, “Even as someone who Is unwilling, I would use patience and observation to do better than the head girls that came before me.” Talk about confidence. She certainly has it. If that is the only quality required of this role, I would say with all certainty that her head is certainly the head for the cap.

KOLO YETU”s head seems bigger than Chidera’s, literally speaking. But we are not talking about a literal cap here. So making a judgement based on a literal cap would be a little out of place. Isn’t it? He sees himself as having all the qualities required of a head boy. Confidence was very evident. He pointed out that respect is one trait he has exhibited and as a result he expects the school to support him for this position. Like Olivia and Chidera, he is very ambitious. A boy as confident, respectful and ambitious as he is, is certainly on his way to wearing the cap we have been talking about. But will the cap fit his head? If it will, like the legendary reggae musician sang, ….let him wear it. Starville Secondary Students, over to you. Will you give him the cap to wear?

CHISOM ABEL-CHUKWUOCHA is the most experienced. She has been in an elective position before – Vice President of her former school.So, assuming the role of head girl was an election, she would run and she would win. This level of confidence is familiar. Esther Asuruexuded this level of confidence, making it all the more difficult to decide who the cap would fit. When she was asked if she sees herself occupying a job requiring leadership in the near future, she simply said, “possibly.” A simple answer for a person that exudes so much confidence. Does this make her level of confidence lower than that of Asuru Esther? It is hard to tell. Anyway, her experience stands her in good stead as evident in this assertion, “There were instances where I was picked for roles I didn’t want to perform, but I had a sort of obligation to fulfill what was expected of me.” Call it responsibility, you won’t be wrong. This is one quality that would make anyone stand out. Here lies her head, it is left for you to put the cap on it. If you think it fits, of course.

OHA MICHEAL is the last on the list but certainly not the least. But will this turn out to be saving the best for last. Let’s see. “I have discipline and the holy-spirit, and although I had some flaws in the past (junior secondary school), I have the essential qualities to lead the school into greater heights.” Did you see a touch of confidence in that statement? Well I did, kind of. I also noticed a bit of spirituality there. The first person in the list to go spiritual. Do you think that is worth putting him ahead of the others? A leader needs to be spiritual, but it is hard to tell if it has anything to do with a leader’s success in leadership. Although, if you ask me I would say prayers do work. If a leader is spiritual, his success will to a large extent be determined by the quality of his prayers. But with a statement like “J assume that there are people better suited for the role than I am, like my friend KoloYetu, mainly for the reasons of academics.” It is hardly likely that prayers would be of much help. Leadership and inferiority complex are an unholy mix. The fact that someone is better academically doesn’t make him a better leader. Michael might need to get over this complex to better prepare his head for this cap.

So, from the forgoing, who do you think the cap would fit? Would you rather allow the students to decide on the D-Day. Or your mind is already made up.

Whatever the case, who the cap fits, let him wear it.

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