We aim to provide the best possible education in a supportive and disciplined environment so that students may discover their full potential and prepare for adult life. We have high expectations of what can be achieved and the key to our success is a purposeful community where learning is stimulating and enjoyable and is the focus of everything we do.
Our aims are very straightforward; to be a well-led, inclusive school where quality teaching enables everyone to learn and to fulfil their potential. Our team of outstanding teachers and support staff all work together to deliver the best possible education for our students. We can only achieve our aims by working closely with parents and your support is an essential ingredient in your child’s success at the school. We work in partnership with parents to recognise success and to share and solve problems.
Our curriculum is dedicated to developing learners who are confident, responsible, innovative, and engaged; and our secondary section admits students aged 10-16, running a combined curriculum which includes the Nigerian and British Content that prepares students for:
• BECE (Junior NECO) and /any other local examination for this stage,
• Checkpoint,
• IGCSE Examinations.
It is a standards-based curriculum that incorporates the acquisition of concepts and the development of skills.
The following subjects are offered in the Junior Secondary School: Mathematics, English studies, Basic Science, Basic Technology, ICT, Social Studies, Civic education, Business studies, CRS/IRS – Religious studies, Physical and Health Education (PHE), Cultural and Creative Art (Music and Art), Home Economics, Nigerian languages, French, and Agricultural Science.
The following subjects are offered in the Senior Secondary School: Mathematics, English studies, Nigerian languages, French, Agricultural Science, Economics, Any trade subject, Biology, Physics, Government, Chemistry, History, Account, Further Mathematics, Business Studies (Commerce), English Literature, Geography, Food and Nutrition, Technical Drawing, Civic education, and ICT.​
At Starville, we aim to help you
• through hard work, commitment and self-discipline, to achieve your potential.
• to receive challenging, stimulating and worthwhile experiences so that you can live fully and enjoy every stage of your development in preparation for adult life.
• to gain an understanding of religious and moral values and respect for other people’s races, religions, cultures, ways of life and points of view.
• to develop lively and enquiring minds along with the confidence to ask questions, the ability to express your opinions rationally and the skills to study independently.
• to acquire knowledge, skills and training that will help you gain employment and access Higher Education throughout your adult life.
• to develop a concern for the quality of your immediate environment and an understanding of citizenship and the world in which you live and work where many people, groups and nations depend on each other.
• to develop the ability to think logically, communicate effectively and handle information confidently in a world of rapidly changing technologies.
• to exercise responsibility in the school community and develop social skills by taking part in curricular and extracurricular activities.
We are dedicated to ensuring that every member of our School community is successful in our core priorities of learning, teaching and leadership.
At the heart of our school is a desire that all learners:
• develop lively and enquiring minds by participating in a positive learning culture,
• have high aspirations to enable them to fulfil their potential,
• experience learning that is enjoyable and leads to achievement,
• behave considerately and respectfully.
All staff are committed to quality teaching characterised by
• high expectations and equality of opportunities,
• experiences that support learners to engage and acquire knowledge, skills and interests as part of a broad and flexible curriculum,
• the promotion of safe, healthy lifestyles and development of future economic well-being.
We aim at building and equipping leaders for this century and beyond. All leaders are committed to setting an example through leadership which:
• engages, inspires and motivates by providing clear direction and common purpose,
• establishes a friendly, mutually respectful and harmonious ethos in which school life is valued for itself as well as a preparation for future success,
• takes into account and values the views of students as part of decision making,
• evaluates the work that we do in order to set priorities to secure improvement,
• extends partnerships with a wide range of local groups, national and international organisations in order to fulfil our mission.
Outstanding Facilities
As a School, we provide outstanding facilities for all field of studies for our own students and the wider community.
We aim to continue to raise standards of attainment in ICT and increase provision to ensure that students have access to a wide range of resources by providing up-to-date ICT labs using e-learning opportunities.
Reports will be written and sent home 3 times during the school year, made up of end of term reports.
Half-term reports are cumulative assessment records for the term, comprising of homework weekly grades, class work weekly grades, and a test.
Half-term reports are cumulative assessment records for the term, comprising of homework weekly grades, class work weekly grades, and a test.
End of Term Reports comprise of the cumulative grades for first and second continuous assessment.
Examination grades are as follows:
1st CAT grades – 15%
2nd CAT grades – 15%
End of Term examinations – 70%
Students need to work conscientiously throughout the term to come out in flying colours. A cumulative average of 50% must be attained for promotion to the next class.